Do you ask, “Can I coach others?”

This question is evidence of self-doubt. This self-doubt is stealing wealth from you and your family.

But you say, “I want to start my own coaching business.”

What is your niche—your unique specialty, knowledge, and passion—that makes you an expert?

Do you know the income you could attract if you shared your expertise with thousands of people? Start your own business! Your clients’ lives would become more profitable, happier, and simpler. You would be helping them solve a major problem.

This audience is just waiting on you to coach them. In return they are ready to compensate you, and … compensate you well! So many want to be an entrepreneur. With a coaching business, you can be a successful entrepreneur who lives the dream of financial freedom. It is time for you to create wealth.

Ah, there comes your inner little voice that tries to overwhelm you and give you all kinds of reasons not to coach.

  • Who am I to be regarded as an expert?
  • Who will pay me to coach when I am not sure my life is in order?
  • Where do I begin?

These thoughts, my dear friend, are thoughts of fear. That’s all they are. What can you do?

Instead of allowing fear to block you, take action. Any action that puts you a step closer to your goal is a positive action.

Fear wants you to do nothing and make excuses so you don’t have to face the risk of failure.

Antidote? Start by doing some research on the Internet to determine if someone is already doing what you want to do. Keep your plan secret. (The average mental attitude out there is one of negativity, worry, and skepticism. That is the very last thing you need!)

If there are experts similarly coaching, then affirm, “I am glad for their success. But I am the very best at ______.” Then visualize clients/customers complementing you, approving of you, and referring more clients to you. Visualization has been shown to increase the likelihood of success. Always visualize yourself succeeding!

Secondly, think about a Free Coaching Session to support you in getting started and building your business. No obligation. Don’t cheat the world out of your expertise. Don’t give fear another victory. A Free Coaching Session will help you kick fear to the curb and grab victory. You deserve the victory.

CLICK HERE …and say goodbye to fear and hello to confidence.

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